
Basics: is it genetic?

I’ve seen lots of people saying that the cause of T2DM is genetic. usually as a way to deny responsibility in the condition: if it’s genetics, there is nothing they can do about it, and therefore there is nothing they need to do. They have diabetes, and that’s it, they’re…

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Day To Day

Day to day: Easter chocolate

Easter without chocolate is no fun. But being diabetic, it’s something you essentially need to give up and have a no fun Easter. So this year, I ran an experiment: what happens if I eat chocolate? The chocolate was 25g of Lindt dark chocolate Easter bunny (half an ear). The…

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Day To Day, Glycemia

Day to day: reintroduction of rice

After having reintroduced pasta in my diet with a fairly good outcome, we tried wholegrain rice. It was double carb load with the chickpeas. Interestingly, like with the pasta, the rice create a double spike at 123. Also, as it’s starch, the spikes are slow and long.

Day To Day

Day to day: managing diabetes on the go

One thing I discovered recently is how hard it is to maintain good diabetes management habits when on the go. When at home with the routine, it’s easy to carve out time of the day for exercise and keep good eating habits. Since my diagnosis, we hadn’t travelled more than…

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Day To Day, Glycemia

Day to day: reintroduction of pasta

After having reached normal levels of glycemia at all times and 3 months without medication (potential remission) we started to reintroduce foods I haven’t had for 9 months. Yesterday was pasta’s turn in the form of my wife’s mushroom pasta bolognese. As pasta is starchy, I was expecting a long…

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Basics, Day To Day, Glycemia

Fight diabetes: why do I feel sleepy?

Glucose is essentially toxic for your body. It uses it for energy, but free-floating glucose stresses and damages cells. It also interacts with other products to make it worse. The resulting effects are varied from cell death and gangrene in extremities, to neuropathy. When your bloodstream is full of glucose, your body tries to store it…

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Recipe: Buddha bowl

Trying to eat your greens can feel like a chore, it’s the end of the week and you’ve not been shopping, and your belly needs filled but the veg tray is a bit sparse. Time for a buddha bowl! This is a concept that took hold in Canada in the…

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Day To Day

Fight diabetes: the results are in

I had my quarterly blood test yesterday to keep an eye on everything (the list is long; there are many pages of test results). The most important is my HbA1c. Everything else has been within normal ranges since September. When I was diagnosed last June after a random blood test…

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