Day To Day, Glycemia

Progress: 1 year anniversary

This is the first year anniversary of my diabetes diagnosis. To celebrate, I had a quarterly blood test done this morning. The results are in: fasting sugar 86mg/dl, HbA1c 5.4% (down from 5.44% the last time). So, everything is still good, post-diabetes is sticking as expected. Below is a graph…

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Day To Day, Glycemia

Day to day: rice

The one thing that I’m still not entirely happy eating is rice. Pasta, wheat, and everything else doesn’t spike me much anymore. But rice keeps my blood sugar high for a long time. For example, the other night I ate a big bowl of rice and vegetables with breaded “chicken”…

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Basics, Glycemia

Basics: the “clean” diet

I saw someone recently complain that they had a “clean diet” but after meals they felt bad and nauseous. It’s surprising because for a diabetic, it’s usually when you eat badly that you feel bad, not when you have a “clean” meal. So after asking what the “clean diet” was,…

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Basics, Glycemia

Basics: diabetes and stress

So you’ve switched your diet to a proper human diet with low carb, you do your daily exercise, and you were hoping your blood glucose levels would go down fast. But they seem to resist and stay up. One other factor in onset of diabetes and then high glycaemia is…

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Day To Day, Glycemia

Day to day: pizza anyone?

Lately I was in the South of Spain and we needed to have lunch while we were out of the house. Normally we rent self-catering accommodation so that we can control my diet. However, that time we had to be away for an appointment and we didn’t have time to…

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Day To Day, Glycemia

Day to day: reintroduction of rice

After having reintroduced pasta in my diet with a fairly good outcome, we tried wholegrain rice. It was double carb load with the chickpeas. Interestingly, like with the pasta, the rice create a double spike at 123. Also, as it’s starch, the spikes are slow and long.

Day To Day, Glycemia

Day to day: reintroduction of pasta

After having reached normal levels of glycemia at all times and 3 months without medication (potential remission) we started to reintroduce foods I haven’t had for 9 months. Yesterday was pasta’s turn in the form of my wife’s mushroom pasta bolognese. As pasta is starchy, I was expecting a long…

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Basics, Day To Day, Glycemia

Fight diabetes: why do I feel sleepy?

Glucose is essentially toxic for your body. It uses it for energy, but free-floating glucose stresses and damages cells. It also interacts with other products to make it worse. The resulting effects are varied from cell death and gangrene in extremities, to neuropathy. When your bloodstream is full of glucose, your body tries to store it…

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