Article, Basics, Day To Day

Eggs are (nearly) magic

I mentioned before that I eat eggs for breakfast. There are many reasons for that, but in great part it’s because they’re nearly magic. I tried several options for breakfast, but eggs are the best option for me. First of all, eggs are pretty much pure protein and fat. No…

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Article, Basics, Day To Day

HbA1c: yay!

I had my 6-monthly checkup (blood test) and I was happy to see that my HbA1c is still constant at 5.4%. It’s been at that level for 2 years now. There has been day-to-day blood glucose variations over time, for example due to illness, stress, and other environmental factors, but…

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Article, Day To Day, Glycemia

Progress: 1 year anniversary

This is the first year anniversary of my diabetes diagnosis. To celebrate, I had a quarterly blood test done this morning. The results are in: fasting sugar 86mg/dl, HbA1c 5.4% (down from 5.44% the last time). So, everything is still good, post-diabetes is sticking as expected. Below is a graph…

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Article, Day To Day, Glycemia

Day to day: rice

The one thing that I’m still not entirely happy eating is rice. Pasta, wheat, and everything else doesn’t spike me much anymore. But rice keeps my blood sugar high for a long time. For example, the other night I ate a big bowl of rice and vegetables with breaded “chicken”…

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Article, Day To Day, Tips

Tips: sucralose is evil

When I looked at artificial sweeteners, I had earmarked sucralose as the worst of the bunch. It had been linked to increase in glucose levels, increase in insulin levels, and an 18% increase in insulin resistance. So I ruled it out as a usable sweetener. I can now confirm that…

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