Basics, Day To Day, Tips

Basics: manage expectations

Like for all activities that will take time, managing diabetes requires you to manage expectations. The worst thing you can do is set aims you can’t possibly achieve or that make your life so hard, you give up. It’s one thing to give up going to the gym, it’s another…

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Basics, Day To Day

Fight diabetes: aim for no medication

As a result of modern medicine, type 2 diabetes is often treated at the symptom level: lower glucose levels, control side effects, make people feel better for a while. But it’s an endless cycle since for example insulin injection leads to weight gain, which leads to more insulin resistance, which…

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Day To Day, Glycemia, Tips

Fight diabetes: order your meals right

One important factor in managing your diabetes is controlling your glycemia and the rate of absorption of glucose into your bloodstream. It can be achieved by pre-loading your meal with fat and proteins. Many studies have shown that both fat and proteins have several beneficial effects on glucose management, especially…

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Basics, Day To Day, Glycemia

Basics: glycemia curve

One of the most important things to do once diagnosed with diabetes is to start tracking your glycemia. This is the one indicator that will tell you how your body is doing, the effect of what you eat or do, and more generally how your condition evolves. But to monitor…

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Day To Day, Recipes, Tips

Fight diabetes: snacks

At some point, it’s inevitable, you’ll be hungry between meals. There can be many reasons for it: insufficient meal (you can be too hardcore in your diet), exercise, or just you feel like eating because you had a bad day. You shouldn’t be, but we live in the real world…

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Basics, Day To Day, Tips

Fight diabetes: become vegetarian

When you’re diagnosed with diabetes, you know it’s going to be a life-changing event. There are several strategies you can adopt to help getting into remission. One of them is to switch to a plant-based diet. There are many reasons why you’d want to become vegetarian: you don’t like meat,…

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