Article, Day To Day

Day to day: the potato experiment

As I’m now tracking remission, and I’ve already reintroduced pasta and rice into my diet, I’ve experimented with potatoes. We used to have potato wedges and burger on Friday dinners. Tradition at home for many years. So today we tried it again for the first time in about 10 months.…

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Article, Basics

Basic: lung damage

We already knew that diabetes can create liver, pancreas, kidney, brain, skin, and extremeties damage. There was evidence that it was also linked to lung damage. It wasn’t clear however that the link was causation, not just correlation. It was announced at the DUKPC conference today that a meta study…

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Article, Basics

Basics: can T2DM be reversed?

A discussion that comes back a lot in diabetes forums is whether T2 diabetes can be “reversed”. Heated debates concentrate on deciding if it is a possibility or simply a mirage that leads to disappointment. A lot of it is a matter of definitions. Many people use “remission” to avoid…

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