Basics, Day To Day

Basics: you are your diabetes

The same way you need to accept early on that your diabetes is you, you you’ll need to accept that you’re your diabetes. For a lot of people around you, it will become what defines you. They might not be aware of many people affected by the condition (mostly because…

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Basics: not a monster

A lot of people refer to their diabetes as a “monster”. The app I use to track my glycemia and everything I do does so too. I guess it makes sense to see it that way when you’re diagnosed: you have received the news that you have a life-threatening condition…

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Basics, Day To Day, Tips

Basics: manage expectations

Like for all activities that will take time, managing diabetes requires you to manage expectations. The worst thing you can do is set aims you can’t possibly achieve or that make your life so hard, you give up. It’s one thing to give up going to the gym, it’s another…

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Basics, Day To Day

Fight diabetes: aim for no medication

As a result of modern medicine, type 2 diabetes is often treated at the symptom level: lower glucose levels, control side effects, make people feel better for a while. But it’s an endless cycle since for example insulin injection leads to weight gain, which leads to more insulin resistance, which…

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