Article, Recipes

Recipe: Three Shot Chocolate Muffin

This muffin has the chocolate turned up to 11. A treat for the weekend, or when you’re not watching your calorie count too much.


80g of almond flour

40g of wholewheat flour

20g of psyllium husk

70g of Stavia 

20g of no sugar cocoa powder

10g of baking powder

Half teaspoon of salt

4 squares of Lindt 80% cocoa dark chocolate cut into small squares/30g dark chocolate chips

Two tablespoons of sugar free chocolate sauce

Two large, room temperature egg

60g melted butter

Splash of milk


1. Pre heat oven to 200C 

2. Cut the chocolate up if using solid chocolate.

3. Melt butter in microwave in increments of 10 seconds until melted.

4. Once melted mix with all other wet ingredients together in big bowl, along with the stavia and salt.

5. Sieve the rest of the dry ingredients, apart from the chocolate chunks/chips into the bowl with wet ingredients, and combine by folding with metal spoon trying not to knock too much air out of the batter. Add the chocolate chunks/chips.

6. Put mixture into 6 silicon muffin moulds and put into the hot oven for 20 minutes. 

The effect of the muffin on glycemia was minimal, with a peak at +17mg/dl after 1 hour (the other readings are within the error margin of the tester).

I did another curve on another day to confirm:

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