Here is another day of my food and blood glucose readings.

I started with a normal breakfast: 2 eggs and black coffee.

But then I remembered that, as I’m now eating more normal food, we get croissants from time to time. So I then had 2 croissants. Yummy. Big breakfast on that day. As you can see, the effect of 2 croissants is to make me spike at 127mg/dl. Not too bad given the amount of carbs in there.

I then had a run to lower my glycaemia quickly.
Then lunch was vegetarian “steak” with various vegetables, including avocado and carrots (sweet). No real spike to report there.

Then for dinner, I had vegetarian “chicken” with vegetables and rice. which didn’t really make me spike.

Finally, because it was around Easter, I had 45g of dark chocolate bunny for desert, which got me to 112mg/dl.

I was a bit peckish later on, so I had a keto cereal bar.