Article, Day To Day

Fight diabetes: breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s not just my grandmother that says it: studies have shown that the right breakfast sets the tone for the day. As a diabetic, breakfast has 2 aims: fill you up so that you’re not hungry before lunch (snacking is a…

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Article, Day To Day, Tips

Track everything, all the time

One of the things I put in place from day one is to track everything.If you don’t know what’s happening, you can’t progress and you can’t keep yourself accountable. As a diabetic, one very important thing to track is your glycemia. You can’t know how your body behaves if you…

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Article, Basics

Diagnostic: diabetic

At the end of May 2022, a routine blood test (my parents were insisting that I had one done) discovered that my HbA1c was over 7%. In other words: I’m diabetic. It came as a surprise because I didn’t feel particularly bad. To me there had been no change in…

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